by Eric

December 20, 2011

Grapplers Quest held its 2011 World Championships on Saturday December 11th in Asbury Park, NJ. It is a year end event that brings out some of the toughest competition on the east coast.

Team Lloyd Irvin was successful in defending its title and becoming the 2011 Grappelers Quest World Championship Overall Team Champions. This shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone following the competition scene. Team Lloyd Irvin is the most successful American team in the Country, and are Grapplers Quest Team OF The Decade.

The margin of victory was devastating with Team Lloyd Irvin accumulating 375 points, while the next closest team had only 178. Points are awarded to individual competitors that medal in their division, with a different point value for first, second, and third place.

If you are interested in training with the best, Paramount BJJ is the Team Lloyd Irvin training center for Chester County, Pa. They provide the best quality instruction in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, MMA, Muay Thai, and Boxing. Click here to learn more about the programs or to find out about the 30 Day Free Trial!