by Eric

November 19, 2010

Check out this video from Ryan Zuever, head instructor of Guerrilla Strength And Conditioning. As you can see my teammate Phil Lopez and i both train at Guerrilla Strength And Conditioning, so we can be at the top of our game for MMA and Jiu Jitsu. Whats great about this video is Ryan waits to the very end of the workout before he pulls out the camera to film. I don’t want to say i was tired, but i was definitely warmed up at that point. Ryan’s strength and conditioning workouts have helped to take my jiu jitsu to the next level and will continue to separate me from the competition! I know that if i want to be the best, I have to train with the best, and that’s Ryan Zuever. So don’t just take my word for it, Come train at Guerrilla Strength And Conditioning and see the results for yourself!