by Eric

October 22, 2010

Im the only one in a blue gi

Sorry for the wait, but i am just now recovering from the beating i received at belt promotions. If you didn’t see any of the facebook posts, myself and five of my Paramount teammates got promoted to blue belt from Brad Court. It is not easy to get promoted by Brad, so everyone that got there blue belt put in lots of hard work and dedication.

Going into it  i was expecting to be promoted, so when Brad called my name i wasn’t that surprised but still very exited. I cant give away any details, but i can honestly say i was pushed very hard both physically and mentally, and i loved it! Even though getting a blue belt is a big accomplishment, it is still just one of my short term goals. My focus is still on the long term goal, which is to be a Black Belt World Champion. Keeping that in mind, nothing really changes for me. Every day that i train hard puts me one step closer to my goal. I am exited to be competing at a higher level and cant wait for my next tournament. I plan to compete at the Pan Ams in April so from now until then i will be competing as often as possible to get prepared.

I want to thank Team Lloyd Irvin and Paramount BJJ for giving me the best instruction available! Also thanks to all my training partners for pushing me and helping me to achieve my goals.